Alleviation: An International Journal of Nutrition, Gender & Social Development, ISSN 2348-9340
Volume 2, Number 2 (2015) : 1-7
©Arya PG College, Panipat & Business Press India Publication, Delhi,

Constraints in Women Economic Empowerment

Mrs. Usha Dua
Retd.Associate Professor, Departmentof Home Science, Hindu Girls College, Jagadhri (Haryana), India


Though home science discipline marching ahead towards women development still women economic empowerment through home science is in critical stage and stands on cross road, it needs to provide answers to constraints, our females are facing. Women economic empowerment is not a challenge for the females adopting home science field but also for the females adopting other subjects as compared to males. There exist multi dimensional challenges not only in India but all over the world.
In our society women are considered equal to men in every sphere. But in reality, the situation is totally different due to discrimination against women. This discrimination is not only higher in rural areas but in urban areas also.
They are facing various social problems and cultural ill patterns. The following constraints were investigated by the researcher while working on the Home science project:

Poor Approach of Parents, Family Members and Society towards Women’s Economic Empowerment

Family members and society show very poor response towards women’s economic empowerment. There is a need to enlighten the families and society regarding women economic empowerment. Mahila mandals, women organizations, NGOs, government and private women welfare organizations should come forward to spread awareness regarding women economic empowerment. They should also guide women to become confident and develop risk bearing attitude

Poor Approach of Labor Market towards Females Compared to Males

Employers prefer males as they are physically and mentally more strong than females. Moreover wages of females are less than males. Employers must be made aware about the talents of women as workers. Government must give incentives to those industries that employ more number of women.

Strong Male Dominating Structure

Male dominating structure affects the personality of the females as females have to select any field or any work according to the males’ interests and choices. According to them, women’s work is only inside the house, not outside. They can help males to run families as unpaid workers. Women should be made aware about their power by which they can break the domination of men and walk on for freedom.
Lack of Education
Education is a powerful tool for women economic empowerment. Due to the lack of education, women are unable to understand the value of their life. Being uneducated, they are unable to train themselves in vocational and technical education. Not only higher education but strong vocational and technical education is required for women to stand and meet economic crises.
Overburden of Household Work
Even in 21st century especially in developing countries, women’s position exists only in the house to run families. In many cases, women’ names are on papers in the form of administrative posts but in reality they are not controller, operators and decision makers, all powers are in the hands of men.
There is an urgent need to change mindset of the society concerning women position by making them aware regarding need of women economic empowerment as the economically empowered women can raise the standard of living of the family, can provide better education to their children and can be better decision maker to solve the family problems.
Problem of Finance
Finance is regarded as life blood for any business, may be small or large. If women want to open their own small businesses, then they face the problem of finance. They are not able to get loans from banks as women don’t have any property or land on their names especially in rural areas. Extension workers and NGOs must guide women regarding various government policies and programmes meant for women.
Lack of Control over Money
In many cases, it is seen that women have right to earn money but not to spend it according to their choices. So there is need to change the attitude of male members.
Strong Family Ties
Women of India are emotionally attached with their families as they are supposed to regulate all domestic work e.g. looking after their children and other family members. They are overburdened with family responsibilities which take lot of time and physical energy. Women should be educated and enlightened by nukar naatakas, documentary films and demonstrations regarding importance of taking training for skill upgradation which will ultimately lead to their economic empowerment.
Poor Business Connection
Women, especially rural women lack knowledge of social network and business connection for internship and job placement. There is an urgent need to educate and train females regarding business connection, vocational training under management course and latest computer skills in this changing world.
Traditional Family and Social Structure
Before achieving economic empowerment, family empowerment is an urgent need because traditional family and social structures are great barriers in women education and women freedom. There is a need to change the attitudes not only of male members but whole of the family and society to encourage women’s economic empowerment. They should help in developing the confidence of women so as to gain risk bearing abilities.
Lack of Supportive Attitude of New Male Generation towards Women Economic Empowerment
New male generation wants that women should earn but the main problems of the married males are their egoistic attitude and non cooperative nature. Above mentioned constraints have to be removed if we want that women should achieve the economic empowerment and it requires the cooperation of government and all the segments of the society.

International Conference -Multidisciplinary